Hey folks, I’m getting better and better at this. I’ve had a busy week outside of Cruz Alta. My training group headed down to Tegucigalpa for a 4 day training session and reconnect. Learned some interesting things about coffee quality, the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA), tree planting…… all it all it was a good time and a good chance to see everyone and catch up on the goings on since we graduated. In Cruz Alta we just finished our last group of tests for the school year. It was a wicked couple of days of review sessions and testing but we got ‘er done. Now I’ve got a pretty good stack to grade and turn in the papers so my students can get their certificates. I also took an awesome trip to my community’s watershed and potable water source with a local irrigation group. We had to go up and clean out the tanks which involved wading up to our waists (actually my waist it the water was up to the average Honduran’s neck ) in cold spring water and using shovels, hoes, and hands to clear out silt deposits in the tanks. So for those who think that I’m on a two-year vacation, well you’re right but things are happening and we’re getting stuff done. Also we’re gearing up for the holiday season it is a major bummer to be away from family and friends but I’m making the best of it. I’m heading out for Guatemala for in a week to check out Antigua and hike to some volcanic lakes. I’m not sure if Santa will be able to keep tabs on me but my parents seem to be doing a pretty good job, so I’m getting my holiday greed itch scratched as well as my holiday sweet tooth taken care of, the only thing really missing is Michael Bolton and surprisingly I’m doing fine without. I really want to throw on some more photos but my computer is bogging down right now. Instant messaging is huge down here and there’s nothing that Honduran teenagers love more than spending hours IMing people that are sitting right next to them. So you guys are only going to get one pic of the stream leading into Camaparas, my water source. Alright guys, yesterday was my four month anniversary as a PCV and I’m closing in on 7 months in country one sixth of the way through but who’s counting. Happy Holidays
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