Here’s a pic of my host family, my host brother Eric on the right, next is my host mother Eunice and my other host brother Ricky, next to them is Eunice's sister and niece . Alright alright alright, hope everyone’s doing fine. Today we spent some time in the Finca (small farm) working on soil conservation measures, i.e. live barriers, terracing, cover crops etc. very good stuff. Our group’s getting pretty good at kicking around the hacky sack, and you have to do pushups when you mess up so at least we’re getting in shape. The other day Siguatapeque flooded really bad and my neighbor’s house ended up with about three feet of water in it, it also killed half her chickens which is pretty rough considering she lives without a husband. He was mistaken for someone else awhile back and shot right in front of her. A couple of us went over and cleaned out her ditches, the problem was that the drainage ditches were backed up causing the water to flow straight into her house rather than down the ditch. She ended up on the national news and thanked us so I guess a couple of us are famous now, making some waves. The national news isn’t such a big deal down here, there’s only about six million people and I’m pretty sure Honduras is quite a bit smaller than Oregon, still it’s pretty cool.
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